Elevating Care In The Workplace Through ERGs
supporting women, families, and now employee resource groups
For the past 4 years, I have gathered women across the country to provide support, solutions, and advice that empowers them to thrive and prosper at home and in the workplace. From meet-ups in my home, workshops, events, and conferences after conferences, I've asked women to level up, to lean in, to strive for balance, to take care of themselves, and to plan out their work and household responsibilities. After four solid years of doing this and making a huge difference, I've also learned that working women are already doing all that they can.
Women are already doing their best work in their daily work and personal lives, yet not much has changed in the workplace.
We are all really out here striving to be the best partner, mother, sister and daughter with the minimal resources that we have. One day I stared in the mirror and asked what else can we ask of women in our community?
You are cooking, cleaning, breastfeeding, doing laundry, running errands, supporting their aging parents, a disabled partner, children with special needs, volunteering at libraries, PTAs, and more. We've taught you Fair Play by my friend Eve Rodsky. We've pushed every tool you needed to truly support you. Yet you come back sharing stories of how under-supported the workplace is, and how you have no other choice than to leave. You've shared stories of your partners doing the bare minimum or nothing at all. It’s been truly hard to see one-sided its all being. It's time we shift from women driving outcomes we seek at home and in the workplace. My friend Reshma Saujani sums it up nicely by saying "we need to stop trying to fix women."
So today, I am proud to announce that MH is embarking on a bold mission to change the workplace for not only women but everyone with caregiving responsibilities.
It's time we build work-life care infrastructure that empowers the entire workforce to flourish. We are starting with support for Employee or Inclusion Resource Groups (ERGs) who are already doing the work to elevate care in the workplace. Do you belong to an ERG or lead an ERG? Please take our ERG survey to receive information and resources to support your organization’s ERG.